Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Next Step

Malawi to...Shiloh??

So I thought I had my life all figured out.  I guess it's a common mistake to make, that arrogant settling into something like we're the boss of things.  Especially settling into a holy something.  Super especially settling into a holy something that you like and are good at (and bonus points that it involves widows and orphans halfway across the world).

But here's the deal:  I knew for a fact God had yanked me right out of my comfort zone three years ago and called me to Malawi--and I was energized.  Shortly after I got home, I went right back again--and I was on fire for the holy work.  After that, I threw myself into full-time volunteer Africa missons.  It seemed perfect for me.  I learned and grew and discovered good things about myself I never knew.  I helped people.  I helped the ministry.  But it was draining me, and I was struggling to find and maintain a healthy balance.  For I quickly grew to love the work and the attention and the satisfaction more than I loved anything else.

This past May, after a couple years of breakneck pace and some increasing instances of insight into the less flattering side of myself that literally brought me to my knees, I gave in.

Not gave up.  There's a difference.

I gave in to the possibility that maybe I was supposed to be done here, no matter how unfathomable it seemed (who decides to be done with a holy work they love and are good at??)  But I silently and with many tears agreed to open up a crack in the door of possibility.   Just like when this started, I surrendered to whatever God had for me.

Three years ago I knew it was Africa.

But the day I surrendered (literally within an hour), events were put into motion that undoubtedly and unequivacally confirmed within a matter of days my new calling.

God was calling me to Shiloh.


  1. I have lived something similar. Praying for your new mission field! :O)

  2. And I love that the same God that called you to Pure Mission and used you mightily is not finished and has called you to do another awesome work for Him. I just can't wait to see how it works out. I stole this from women's Bible study, but thought about you, "God's instructions rarely make sense and they always require faith which produces action." And you have listened and you are doing it. I'm proud of you!!
