Sunday, September 9, 2012

It All Comes Back Around

When I was in elementary school, I thought it was the coolest thing when my Dad starting teaching band, utilizing his college degree he had set aside for a number of years. A few years later I thought it was amazing when my Mom, armed with only a vocal education degree, went back to school and got her certification to teach band too.  I jumped right in and became a band geek myself in junior high and high school, and although I didn't particularly want to make a career of it, in the end it was really all I knew how to do.

So I got my degree in Instrumental Music Education compliments of Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

After marriage and graduation, Wes and I moved to Northwest Arkansas.  Having just completed 4 1/2 years of intense schooling, I was sick of music so I applied for a secretarial-type job to bide the time until we started a family.  

I remember in my job interview I was asked what my degree was.  When I answered, I was told "Well, there aren't any musical instruments around here."

Although I still got the job, I couldn't help but cringe a little.

Meanwhile my parents were still team teaching band and choir at my high school and my brother, who had followed in my footsteps, graduated with his own band degree and was carving out a teaching career in Texas.

It has been roughly 14 years since that time, and although I have been involved in some sporadic music endeavors along the way, I have mostly been a stay-at-home mom; never have I taught officially.

Until now.  Where I am daily surrounded by musical instruments.

I am the Assistant Band Director at Shiloh Christian School and so proud to be using the gifts I have in the area of teaching and music.  I have no idea why now, but I am excited for the opportunity.  Although my parents have retired, my brother is now Head Director at his school in Texas.  Tyler, my oldest, is starting his second year of band and is quite talented if I do say so myself.  (He thinks he wants to be a chef when he grows up, but we shall see, won't we?)

It's funny how it all comes back around.  

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