Friday, September 7, 2012

A Job Made Just for Me

A simple conversation with someone in a hallway, within minutes on the heels of tears and prayer and the submission of my own will.

An awkward email to someone else composed hours later, me throwing myself out there, inquiring to the possibilities, if there even were any possibilities.

Me wondering what in the world I was thinking, sure it would come to nothing.

An immediate response that caused my knees to buckle.

A meeting. 

An opening I didn't even know existed that was now being silently held.

A conversation between two people, unknown to me, the converging of the earlier simple conversation and the awkward email set into motion without my knowledge or manipulation.

The creation and offer of a part time + part time = full time job, utilizing my best gifts to help two different people in a unique way, created just for me, just for now.

The wonder and awe that still hasn't gone away.

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