Sunday, December 12, 2010

Candy Time—Maple Walnut Truffles (New for 2010!)

Maple Walnut Truffles

1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 stick butter, melted
3 tsp. maple flavoring
1 tsp. vanilla extract
7 ½ cups powdered sugar
2 cups chopped walnuts
semi-sweet chocolate chips for dipping
ground nuts for garnish (optional)

In a mixing bowl, combine milk, butter and flavorings. Add powdered sugar and combine on low speed. Stir in walnuts. Chill dough; form into balls and freeze. Dip in melted semi-sweet chocolate chips that have been thinned as desired with vegetable oil. Sprinkle tops of candy with ground nuts before chocolate sets. Freeze again and store in an airtight container.

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