Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's Beginning to Feel a Little Like Christmas...

Yes, ok, I concede; it clashes directly with my previous post.  But sorry cornucopias and pumpkins, as much as I fight for your right to be displayed in my home, you have to make a teeny bit of room for me to at least prepare for Christmas.  Because Christmas is a loud-mouthed high-maintenance child that refuses to go away and play quietly.

Christmas requires being proactive.  And I’m a pro at being active.

I have already been diligently working on my yearly endeavor of making what will ultimately be heaps of Christmas candy.  The present shopping is nearly done and I have started wrapping gifts.  (Ok, this is mainly because there is no more room to hide things in my closet and my winter boots are starting to whine and fuss).  There is a Christmas quilt on my bed.  (Ok, this is because Hannah wet all over my fall quilt so I just went ahead and changed it early).  The annual family Christmas pictures have been taken, cards are ordered, and I am almost finished writing my Christmas letter (post-date goal is December 1…stay tuned!)  We are headed to Branson this weekend to see the lights at Silver Dollar City for the first time ever (season tickets are fixing to expire).  And when I get back from that? 


Full-fledged decorating will start because Thanksgiving celebration is not at my house this year and by the time we get back from stuffing ourselves with dressing and pecan pie it will almost be December and I will not be left unprepared!

Sorry turkeys.  Don’t feel bad.  Two and a half weeks was a pretty good run.

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