Monday, November 7, 2011

Be Here Now

Be Here Now by Blaine Hogan
I don't normally watch videos that people post because I don't want to make the time.  I can't concentrate on them anyway because my mind is going in too many different directions trying to plan my day and accomplish as much as inhumanly possible.  So when I saw this post on a blog I enjoy reading, I almost just checked "mark as read" and went on with my evening.

But curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to give it 30 seconds.

I had 30 seconds to spare, right?  

I was intrigued enough to let it run a full minute.  And by that point, I could barely breathe.  My eyes swam and I sat uncharacteristically still as my constant need to DO collided with my guilt of never being able to simply BE.  I let it run the full 7 minutes and 30 seconds.  God was speaking and I was listening.

The video is me.  The video is many of us.


Do we even know how?

We had better learn.


Are we?

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