Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Candy Time—Getting Started

Every year at Christmas I make a huge bunch of dipped candy to share with friends and coworkers. I always get asked for my recipes and how-to instructions. This year I decided to tempt even the most reticent in the kitchen with pictures of my candy, and include recipes and full instructions so that some of you can start your own candy-making traditions!

I have a certain pattern I follow when making my candy. You don’t have to do it my way…especially if you are only making a single batch of one kind! But for me, this method works best to get a large amount done and stored.

1. I start early and store all of my candy in the freezer in gallon-sized baggies. I make much of the candy before Thanksgiving, and dip it all after the break.

2. I chill my candy “dough” before rolling it out. I keep my hands as dry as possible when rolling. A powdered sugar shaker (for the dough and my hands) is a must for the Almond Joys.

3. I place my candy on Pam-sprayed waxed paper-lined jelly roll pans.

4. After rolling candy into balls, I place the jelly roll pans in the freezer until the candy is frozen. I then transfer the candy to the gallon baggies and return to the freezer until I am ready to dip.

5. I dip all my candy frozen. It is much easier to handle that way.

6. After the candy is dipped, I return the pans to the freezer until the candy is frozen again. Then I transfer the candy back to the baggies and continue to store in the freezer until I am ready to give it away.

Dipping tips:
1. Melt your chocolate in the microwave. Just be careful not to overcook it because chocolate WILL burn. You will know you have overdone it when it comes out clumpy or smelling charred. Just dump it and start over. You’ll be sorry if you try and use it.

2. Add vegetable oil by teaspoons to your chocolate, stirring until your chocolate is a good dipping consistency (meaning not too thick—you want it to pour from the spoon, but not too thin—or it will roll off of the candy, forming a “pool” at the base of each).

3. I use toothpicks to dip my candy. I spear a frozen candy with one toothpick, dip it into the chocolate, and use a second toothpick to gently scrape off the excess chocolate.

Merry Christmas and Happy Candy-Making!

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