Thursday, November 17, 2011

What's In Your Wagon?

This isn’t my story… it’s actually from Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.  But I bet there isn't one of us who doesn't need to hear it.

There was a man who met God one day. God asked him to take a wagon with three rocks to the top of a tall mountain. The man, happy to be doing God’s will, set off pulling the wagon behind him.

As the man started up the base of the mountain, a friend asked if he would mind carrying a rock for him as well.  The man agreed, and piled the small stone on top of the other three in his wagon.

As the man went along, more and more people asked him to take their rocks with him.  Since his wagon was large and he was going to the top of the mountain anyway, he continued to load more rocks.  As the wagon got fuller, it became harder to pull.  As the incline of the mountain got steeper, some of the rocks started to tumble out.  The man scrambled to keep all of the rocks balanced in the wagon and bear the weight of the load.  Eventually, the man started to get weary and grew frustrated and resentful with the pile of rocks in his wagon.   Finally, in utter despair, the man thought about just giving up and letting the wagon roll back down the hill.

The man cried out angrily to God. “You gave me a job that is too hard for me,” the man sobbed.  “I can’t do this.  It’s not fair.”  God met the man and looked into his wagon.  As the man sat nearby broken and trembling, God removed the rocks one at a time until only the three stones God had given him were left.

“Let others shoulder their own belongings,” God said gently. “I know you were trying to help, but when you are weighted down with all these cares, you cannot do what I have asked of you”.

This isn’t my story.  But it is my story.

Sometimes carrying other people’s rocks is what God has called us to do.  And sometimes it isn’t.

What’s in your wagon?

Find the entire article here:

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