Thursday, September 22, 2011

Random Acts of Doggie Kindness

I was in the drive thru line this morning at Chick-fil-a.  I had just dropped the kids off at school, and had taken Penny, our Boston Terrier, along with me for the ride.   It was raining and Wes was home in bed with a major headache (hence the reason I was out taking the kids to school when I normally get to stay at home in my pajamas.  Well, at least I was still in my pajamas.  With bed head.)

The drive thru lady confirmed my price and took my debit card.  I declined salsa for the burrito.  Then she handed me a small, folded French-fry wrapper and said in my general direction “Are you looking for this?”


She then tossed her head toward Penny and said “For her”.

I stammered around and took the package, obviously confused.  We don’t feed Penny people-food (sorry, apologies to all the people out there that treat their dogs like children) and I couldn’t think anything past chicken nuggets or waffle fries (or the previously declined salsa) in a small Chick-fil-a package.

I opened it to find a doggie bone.

The lady had been addressing Penny, not me.  And Penny had not been looking for anything other than a free ride in the van, but she sure was happy to get a treat from the little folded sack.

Everyone knows that Chick-fil-a has awesome food and great customer service.  But today they went over and above the bounds of drive thru service and made me smile on a rainy day.

Random acts of doggie kindness.  Now that’s service.

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