Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Talk

Last summer Wes and I had “the talk” with Tyler.  Yes, you parents and non-parents alike know exactly what talk I am referring to.  We used cows on the farm instead of birds and bees, but hey, whatever is relatable, right?

So a couple of weeks ago I had the same talk with Emily.  By myself.  (Minus the cows).  It seems crazy to me since she’s only 9 and in the 4th grade.  But times are different than they used to be, and she needs to be informed before things sneak up on her (or she hears it from somebody else.)  It’s still crazy, though.  I was in high school before I really understood some of the things she and I talked about.

I was a little apprehensive about it.  After all, I had to cover much more complex territory than the part I was responsible for with Tyler, and I didn’t know how she would feel about it.  But she took it really well, wasn’t upset or embarrassed, and on some level seemed relieved to have an explanation for some things she vaguely knew she didn’t know about.  She even asked some great questions which made me happy, since it meant she was really thinking through the whole thing. 

It made me feel closer to her somehow, because for now she and I share this girly secret.  We’re waiting together for her to grow up and become who she was made to be.  And the best part is she didn’t even look funny at her daddy later than night, but just snuggled with him like she always does every time she gets the chance.  Regardless of the information shared, she is still our little girl for a while longer.

We have always tried to be pretty open and very practical with our children.  I feel the more you hide and try to cover up, the more “taboo” it becomes.  If you make a big deal about it, they will too.  If you are mortified and get upset and hedge, they will never ask you anything else about it.  Ever.  Everything needs to be in its proper time, of course, but when it’s time, it’s time.

And for my beautiful, sweet and sensitive oldest girl, I think it was time.

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