Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh, To Have Dental Innocence Again…

So I took the kids to the dentist yesterday for their every-six-months checkup.  This was Hannah’s first time to sit in the big chair.  As we were getting out of the car, she was crying “I can’t wait!  I can’t wait!”

Silly girl.

I’ve never been a fan of dental work, having been through the somewhat typical woes of cavities, braces and wisdom teeth removal.  But then in 2002 during a brief but brutal fender-bender collision in which I had neglected to put my seatbelt back on after hopping out of the truck for a quick errand, my front teeth connected with the dashboard of the truck.  I knew it wasn’t good when I spit teeth pieces into my hand.  The dashboard still bears the gouge-mark scars.

Fortunately, in spite of my hysterical fears over that horrible weekend, I didn’t have to go through the rest of my life looking like a toothless hillbilly, and my smile was good as new after over a year’s worth of temporary teeth, root canals, braces (ugh, again) and veneers.  However, I came away not only with a brand new set of straight, white front teeth but also a healthy loathing for dental offices on general principal.  Fighting a panic attack while in the chair for a teeth cleaning a year later, I told my unbelieving (and childless) hygienist that I would rather be lying on a table having another baby than sitting in her chair enduring the scraping and horrid electric whirring.  Well, I meant it at the time.

Since then, I haven’t even had so much as a cavity (I’m a regular flosser now…got to take care of those expensive false teeth you know), and the panic of going every six months has faded.  Plus I have to put on a good show for the kids when they go so they don’t develop my phobias by association.  So when Hannah expressed her sheer excitement and joy at this new adventure, I heartily agreed with her.  We were out and about having nothing but fun.

I’m just glad it was her turn.

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