Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Zosangalatza Malawi - Day 9

Wednesday, September 1

Our last day of the trip is always safari day—a day to relax and enjoy the sights that God created in Malawi. Seeing the animals is always neat, but I enjoy the most getting to see the scenic views that give my heart a moment of pure peace.

We drove a couple of hours to Liwonde National Park and took the boat tour. We went to a different location for our boat tour in March, so I got to see new things this time. We walked over a bridge, boarded a boat and crossed the river to the other side. We stopped for a bit at the lodge, to pay and register before taking the tour. As we were sitting in the veranda area, we took pictures of a baboon that was foraging right on the other side of the wall.

On the boat tour we saw many beautiful views. We drove past mounds of hippos and got very close to large smiling crocodile. We boated into an inlet and sat for a long time looking at two different herds of elephants. Along the way there were many birds, deer and even a camera-shy warthog.

Instead of taking the land tour this time, we drove another hour to Lake Malawi. When we walked into the resort area there, the view completely took my breath away. Had I not known better, I would have sworn I was on the shore of the ocean. The water came in to the beach in small waves and the expanse of sand was warm and inviting. The resort had beautiful grounds, a gorgeous pool, and cabanas to rent. It was a tiny spot of paradise set right in the middle of Malawi. We sat in the outdoor patio area and ate good American food. I think the hardest part of the entire trip for many of us was deciding what to order that day!

Before any of us were ready, it was time to head home so we could get back by dark. Many slept on the bus ride back, but I spent my time deep in thought. It was impossible for me not to be reflective after such a day. My biggest resounding question was Why? Why give me such a heart for Malawi when my home and family are in NW Arkansas? I didn’t discover the answer in full that day, and I can’t answer it yet today. But I am convinced that God has a purpose and a plan for everything. The Malawians have a favorite saying and it is just as true for me as it is for them. The success of the trip proves it to my head. The awesome sights of God’s creation proves it to my heart.

Mulungu ndiwabwino nthawizonse. Nthawizonse Mulungu ndiwabwino!
God is good all the time. All the time God is good!

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