Monday, November 1, 2010

Africa 101: Introduction

Beyond my personal story, everyone I talk to always wants to know more about Africa. Exactly where did I go? What was it like? What are some of the interesting statistics?

In the set of blog posts to come, I hope to address many of those questions with my crash-course Africa 101. I will start with a history lesson, ease into some statistics, and then get to the really good stuff as I talk about the land, the animals, the food, the local lifestyle, and Esther’s House Orphanage.

Join me in this adventure of exploration into Malawi, Africa!

Disclaimer: My information is as accurate as the typical mother-of-four's memory is able to recall...any mistakes are clearly the responsiblity of inaccurate Google information and certainly not in any way a reflection of this writer's sporadic brain function!

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