Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Season's Greetings from the Tollett Family

2012 has had many changes in store for me and our family that I simply wouldn’t have been able to fathom at the end of 2011.  On New Years Day, Dad had a motorcycle accident that halted everything normal for a number of weeks, even months.  Huge praises that everything is great now, with restorations to mind, body and relationships along the way; but on the heels of that shaky time, life seemed to be about to implode for me, a great mess of stress and confusion as I struggled to balance family, my volunteer calling to missions, who I wanted to be, and life in general. 

At the end of May, my desperate prayers for what to do were answered in a most unexpected way, after I surrendered to myself and opened my heart to the possibility that it might be time for me to move in a different direction.  In a matter of weeks of that surrender, amidst the terror and grief of change, I was offered a full-time job at Shiloh Christian in a unique position of assistant band director and administrative assistant, a job that had not existed until I inquired about the possibility of it.  I miss missions still, and hope that the opportunity will come around for me to help again, but I am in love with my job, on some days even questioning the ethics of being paid for something that makes me so happy to do!  The physical adjustment has been draining with increased fatigue, but I have been able to balance that by taking better care of myself both physically and mentally.  And the family has been so good to jump in and help; I couldn’t be more blessed during this time.

Below is the Tollett Family 2012 Year at a Glance.  Read more about our year and my journey at bethtollett.blogspot.com.

Tollett Family 2012 Year at a Glance

Dec 31 I got the call that Dad had a motorcycle accident that morning.  After a little tense waiting and calling back and forth to see how bad it was, my New Years Eve plans¹ changed pretty rapidly as Wes and I headed to Little Rock to join Mom at the hospital.

January The first couple of weeks were spent getting Dad out of the hospital and into rehab. The March Malawi mission trip Wes and I had planned to go on got canceled, making my decision to not go in the wake of uncertainty with Dad’s accident an easy one.  Wes held down the fort at home in my absence, and once I was back, he started our previously decided plan of weekly “date night”² with the kids, a great time of one-on-one fatherly connecting we hope to pick back up on this year.

February Dad was able to finally come home, but tensions remained high as the recuperation process ran its course.  Even though my March trip was off, I was busier than ever with summer team planning and training.  We did manage to take a fun and much-needed fishing weekend getaway³ (I was sort of social, working in the same room with others counts, right?) with the most unlikely candidate in the family winning the ‘most fish caught’ prize.

March We went home to Nashville over Spring Break to spend some time with family.  Tyler went on his first mission trip to Indianapolis with his church music group, Motion, and had a great time singing, dancing and sharing the gospel with other kids.  (You can see a photo album of that journey on  Facebook, by liking Motion NWA and viewing the album INDY 2012.)

April Life was in full throttle, things were crazy busy, and I was desperately trying to get a handhold⁴ and figure out what I wanted to do with myself.

May School was wrapping up in a rush and we were looking forward to summer.  We went on our annual family camping trip which was a complete blast for all in the family except one. ⁵ I had a hard conversation with a friend, sent a completely random email, and unknowingly started on my journey to “something new”⁶.

June Summer was a blur of Branson vacation, kids camps and swimming lessons.  I was holding the secret of my new job until everything was final⁷.

July The girls and I spent a week at Nashville and I started my new job at the end of the month.  My first couple of days were spent cleaning the band hall (Hazmat-style, I swear you do not want to know the things I touched) and Hannah told my in-laws that mama was “at the school at her new job picking up trash”.  (When I got home, they cautiously asked me if I was a custodian.)

August School officially began mid-month.  We started a brand-new routine in our family as I became a full-time working mom of 4 kids.  Tyler was asked to be in the High School band a year early to fill a spot from someone who dropped.  (Yeah, I was proud, and yeah, he’s good at playing the trumpet).  Emily started her last year in elementary as a 5th grader (We keep putting the book on her head but she keeps growing up anyway).  Lauren started 3rd grade with a swag that only she can pull off (she has a brat-pack of friends, kind of like a preppier Breakfast Club).  And Hannah started full-time K4 (she loves it and refuses to miss school, even when Pappaw comes to visit and asks if she can play hooky).

September-December It’s been a complete blur, but in a good way.  Night band practice and Friday night football games for me and Tyler, lots of big upgrades and all-night work for Wes, early to bed for me, after-school football practice and games for Tyler, gymnastics for the girls, early to bed for me, competitive team gymnastics with multiple practices a week for Hannah (yep, we are keeping an eye on her, little miss precocious), early morning workout groups for Wes,  early to bed for me, basketball practice and games for both Tyler and Lauren, choir and Awana for the girls, early to bed for me, Motion and Home Groups on Sunday nights for Tyler, early mornings to school for all of us, early to bed for me…(I think I might have repeated myself somewhere in there…)

I’m not going to say it’s been all hugs and puppies…there have been lots of adjustments, hard work, long days, continued tears and introspection⁸…and it certainly didn’t go the way I had planned it to be at the start…but 2012 has truly been a most unexpected and blessed year⁹.

Love to all and a very Merry Christmas,

Wesley, Beth, Tyler, Emily, Lauren and Hannah Tollett

¹Not the Blog I was Expecting to Write
²Date Nights
³Chasing the Lure
⁴April Showers Bring May Flowers
⁵Unhappy Camper
⁶The Next Step
⁷A Job Made Just for Me
⁸Getting Rid of the Vermin
⁹Ready for 2012